
Help us to help others

Donations are very important to our charity. They help make the service we offer our Kinship Families as good as we can give them, they work very hard raising their Kin-Children and need a great deal of support in reducing isolation, giving advice and information, the realisation that there are so many other families out there that are in the same position and some respite from the challenges they face.

We also fund raise for our project and most of this is organised and facilitated by our Kinship Families. Our project is a lifeline to most Kinship Carers, it is a vital and invaluable service, and we aim to continue offering as much support for our families with the help of very generous donators.

If you feel you can help us, please click the link below and you will be diverted to PayPal where you can make a donation using either your PayPal account, or with a debit or credit card.

Thank you, from the Kinship Carers Liverpool team.