To keep yourself informed of the latest information follow the links below. (you do not have to have a Twitter account to view this) (you will need to have a Facebook account to follow our page)

We will also creating a WhatsApp group to keep in touch, if you need shopping etc, anything you think off.  If you let us know, we will see if we can accommodate your needs.  We are working with other groups and agencies in order to support as many people as possible.    If you want to be part of the WhatsApp group telephone 0151 270 2108 or 07834 81127.

The advice/guidance is as follows:

  • Currently visits where possible need to take place as normal (this will be reviewed daily)
  • Staff should attempt where possible to call carers in advance to check whether they are showing any symptoms, self-isolating or anyone in the household is self-isolating.  If they are then discussion over phone/face time/Skype can be undertaken.
  • If staff are self-isolating due to their own symptoms and not sick or living with someone who is self-isolating, then they work from home but can’t undertake visits.


Where visits can’t be conducted, or carers don’t want these we will offer telephone support.


If our building has to close, and we are not ill, we will be working from home and will still be available on:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


