Aim: to use art and dance to raise awareness of Kinship Care
Outcome: The film was showcased to a live audience and a DVD was created to be shown in schools.
We were approached by Bluecoats who came into our coffee mornings and talked to our Kinship families about making this film about the different journeys and issues faced by our Carers.
‘In the Palm of my Hand’ at Bluecoats. Here are some quotes from our Kinship Carers; “Thought Provoking and Powerful”, “Emotional, even the men in the audience were moved to tears”, Absolutely Fantastic!”, I never realised that was how i felt until i listened to myself on screen”, It really hit home when I saw it on screen” and “Promoted conversation when we went home with our kin-kids and carers”. The whole project has been amazing in raising awareness for Kinship Carers. The Kinship families who took part should be very proud of their performances.