Media Release for ‘In The Palm Of My Hand’





Bluecoat create special dance performance with Liverpool charity Kinship Carers Liverpool


Bluecoat, Liverpool’s centre for the contemporary arts, will premiere In the Palm of My Hand, a moving original performance, on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February.

In the Palm of My Hand draws together dance artist Paula Hampson and composer Chris Mellor with a group of women and children from Kinship Carers Liverpool, a registered charity that supports all members of kinship families in the community; carers, children and young people.

A kin carer is someone who takes on the full time care of a child who can no longer live with their parents.

Over the last six months, Hampson and Mellor have worked creatively with members of the group to explore ways to raise awareness of the role of a kin carer. In August 2018 the families were invited on two field trips to Delamere Forest and Formby Beach, which became their playground. Den building, beach combing, climbing trees and sliding down dunes gave a focus for engagement and sharing of stories.

Since then, a dedicated group have continued their creative journey at Bluecoat, which will culminate in a weekend of performances at the arts centre. These performances will showcase the group’s personal stories of hope, courage, love and determination, shared through words and movement, projected image, film and music.

In the Palm of My Hand will feature film content developed by First Take Video and lighting design and production by Phil Saunders. First Take Video will also create a short documentary film of the project.

There are four performances in total, taking place at Bluecoat at 2pm and 4pm on Saturday 2nd an Sunday 3rd February. Tickets are available from Bluecoat’s website:

In the Palm of My Hand has been created as part of INHABIT, Bluecoat’s three year programme of New Dance funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Arts Council England.


Editors’ notes

About Bluecoat


Bluecoat is Liverpool’s centre for the contemporary arts, offering a year-round programme of exhibitions and a range of music, dance, literature, live art and heritage events.

As conservators of a rich history and ornate building, which marked its 300 year anniversary in 2017, we are also home to around thirty artists, collectives, small arts organisations and craftspeople. The most significant shift in our work from 2018 onwards is a sharper focus on artists’ practice. As the UK’s first arts centre our ambition is to continue to develop an artists’ hub for the North, underpinned by local talent development and linked to national and international opportunities.

For further information please contact:

Carly Townsend
Media and Marketing Manager, Bluecoat
[email protected]
0151 702 7770


Katie Roberts
Media and Marketing Coordinator, Bluecoat
[email protected]
0151 702 7770


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